Let's work together to get you the best mortgage available.


Our Services

Home Purchase | Refinance | Renewal
Whatever your mortgage needs, we have both the desire and the experience to make sure you get the best product and counsel available.

Start the conversation. 

The best place to start is to connect with us directly. The mortgage process is personal, and it can be daunting. Our commitment to you is that we'll listen to all your needs, assess your financial situation, and provide you with a plan to move forward. 

Choose the best option. 

Once we’ve had a look at your financial situation, we’ll consider a variety of mortgage options, We’ll outline what documents are necessary to qualify for a mortgage, negotiate with the lenders on your behalf, and arrange the mortgage that best suits your needs.

Sit back and relax. 

Once we’ve arranged the mortgage product that best suits your needs, you’re not alone. We’re your mortgage consultants for life. If you’ve got questions in the years to come, we're always available to make sure that your mortgage is working for you, and not the other way around!

Jenn Schill

Mortgage Consultant

Hey there…Jenn Schill here! A little about me…I am married to my best friend Matt Schill and we have 2 amazing children, Grace and Gus. I live and work in beautiful White Rock South Surrey and I am blessed to have an amazing village of family and friends.

I have been a mortgage broker since 2008 and I absolutely love what I do. As an independent Mortgage Consultant, I have access to over 50 financial institutions and I work with you to create a personalized plan based on your needs right now and ensure you are in the right product for the short and long term. 

So give me a call or shoot me an email and let’s get started!


Buddy Johnson

Mortgage Consultant

I've known Buddy for over 3 years and what has always stood out to me is his drive and focus in everything he puts his mind to. When he completed the Mortgage Brokers Course offered through UBC to become a Licensed Mortgage Consultant, I did not hesitate to offer him a position to be a part of my team. 

Speaking of teams, if this face looks familiar it may be because you have seen this Fan Favorite playing for the Surrey Eagles - our local BCHL Hockey Team! In the hockey world Buddy is known as a hard worker and strong team player and he is a true asset to my team and will be to yours.

Liz Bowman

Executive Assistant

First impression of the beautiful Liz is her vibrant personality - you are instantly put at ease with her calm and caring nature. 

Pre-pandemic, you would find Liz travelling the world as a flight attendant with Air Canada. Her love of travel, culture and connection remain at the core of who she is. She is passionate about creating whether that be music, taking photos, making videos, painting or graphic and interior design - there isn’t anything this woman can’t do and every task given she will give back 110%. She is such an incredible addition to the team and makes my life way easier! 


We've developed excellent relationships with many lenders across the country. 
Let's figure out which one has the best product for you. 

Mortgage Articles

By Jenn Schill 16 Oct, 2024
If you’re looking to buy a property or have a mortgage up for renewal, and you’re thinking about connecting with your bank directly, save yourself a lot of money and regret by reading this article first. Here are four things that your bank won’t tell you, accompanied by four reasons that explain why working with an independent mortgage professional is in your best interest. Banks have Limited Access to Mortgage Products. Now, while this one may seem pretty straightforward, if you’re dealing with a single institution, they can only offer mortgages from their product catalogue. This means that you’ll be restricted to their qualifications which are usually very narrow. Working with a single institution significantly limits your options, especially if your financial situation isn’t straightforward. In contrast, dealing with an independent mortgage professional, you will have access to products from over 200 lenders, including banks, monoline lenders, credit unions, finance companies, alternative lenders, institutional B lenders, Mortgage Investment Corporations, and private funds. Working with an independent mortgage professional will give you considerably more options to secure a better mortgage. Banks Employ Salespeople, not Mortgage Experts. Banks don’t employ mortgage experts; they employ salespeople. Banks pay and incentivize salespeople to sell their products. There is a fundamental misalignment of values here. If the bank incentivizes a banker to make a profit for the bank, how can they at the same time advocate for you and your best interest? They can’t. Banks don’t have your best interest in mind. In fact, the more money they make off of you, the better it is for their bottom line. However, when you work with an independent mortgage professional, you get the experience of someone who understands the intricacies of mortgage financing and will advocate on your behalf to get you the best mortgage. It’s actually in our best interest to assist you in finding the mortgage with the best terms for you. Once your mortgage completes, we get paid a standardized finder’s fee by the lender for arranging the financing. So although we get paid by the lender, that lender has had to compete with other lenders to earn your business. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, everyone wins. You get the best mortgage available, we get paid a standardized finder’s fee, and the lender gets a new borrower. Banks Rarely Offer You Their Best Terms Upfront. Banks are in the business of making money, and they’re usually pretty good at it. As such, banks will rarely offer you their best terms at the outset of your negotiation. This is especially true if you’re looking to refinance your existing mortgage. With over half of Canadians simply accepting the renewal offer they get sent in the mail without question, banks don’t have to put their best rate forward. Instead, they rely on you to be ignorant of the process and will take advantage of your trust in them. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, we don’t play games with rates and terms. Our goal is always to seek out the lender who has the best mortgage for you from the start of the process, and if there are any negotiations to be had, we handle them for you. There is no reason for us to do otherwise. In fact, the better we do our job, the more likely it is that you’ll be happy with our services and refer your friends and family. Banks Promote Restrictive Mortgage Products. As if it’s not bad enough that banks don’t offer their best terms upfront, they actually promote mortgage products that are restrictive in nature. The fine print in your mortgage contract matters; understanding it is challenging. Banks do what they can to make it hard for you to leave. Now, if you’ve ever heard stories of outrageous penalties being charged, this is what’s called an Interest Rate Differential penalty (IRD). Each lender has its own way of calculating the IRD. Chartered banks are known for their restrictive mortgages and high IRD penalties. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, we take the time to listen to your goals and assess your mortgage needs based on your life circumstances. The best mortgage is the one that lowers your overall cost of borrowing. So not only will we walk through the cost of the mortgage financing, but we’ll also clearly outline the costs incurred should you need to break your mortgage before the end of your term. This might be the deciding factor in choosing the right lender and mortgage for you. Working with an Independent Mortgage Professional is in Your Best Interest. Banks have limitations to the mortgage products they offer. Working with an independent mortgage professional gives you mortgage options! Bankers work for the bank; they are incentivized to make money for the bank. An independent mortgage professional advocates on your behalf to get you the best mortgage available. Banks rarely offer their best terms upfront; they leave negotiations up to you. An independent mortgage professional outlines the best terms from multiple lenders at the start of the process. Banks promote restrictive mortgage products that make it difficult to leave them. An independent mortgage broker will outline all the costs associated with different mortgage products and recommend the mortgage best suited for your needs. So if you’d like to talk about the best mortgage product for you, you’ve come to the right place. Please connect anytime. It would be a pleasure to work with you.
By Jenn Schill 09 Oct, 2024
When arranging mortgage financing, your mortgage lender will register your mortgage in one of two ways. Either with a standard charge mortgage or a collateral charge mortgage. Let’s look at the differences between the two. Standard charge mortgage This is your good old-fashioned mortgage. A standard charge mortgage is the mortgage you most likely think about when you consider mortgage financing. Here, the amount you borrow from the lender is the amount that is registered against the title to protect the lender if you default on your mortgage. When your mortgage term is up, you can either renew your existing mortgage or, if it makes more financial sense, you can switch your mortgage to another lender. As long as you aren’t changing any of the fine print, the new lender will usually cover the cost of the switch. A standard charge mortgage has set terms and is non-advanceable. This means that if you need to borrow more money, you'll need to reapply and requalify for a new mortgage. So there will be costs associated with breaking your existing mortgage and costs to register a new one. Collateral charge mortgage A collateral charge mortgage is a mortgage that can have multiple parts, usually with a re-advanceable component. It can include many different financing options like a personal loan or line of credit. Your mortgage is registered against the title in a way that should you need to borrow more money down the line; you can do so fairly easily. A home equity line of credit is a good example of a collateral charge mortgage. Unlike a standard charge mortgage, here, your lender will register a higher amount than what you actually borrow. This could be for the property's full value, or some lenders will go up to 125% of your property's value. In the future, if the value of your property appreciates, with a collateral charge mortgage, you don't have to rewrite your existing mortgage to borrow more money (assuming you qualify). This will save you from any costs associated with breaking your existing mortgage and registering a new one. However, if you’re looking to switch your mortgage to another lender at the end of your term, you might be forced to discharge your mortgage and incur legal fees. Also, by registering your mortgage with a collateral charge, you potentially limit your ability to secure a second mortgage. So what’s a better option for you? Well, there are benefits and drawbacks to both. Finding the best option for you really depends on your financial situation and what you believe gives you the most flexibility. This is probably a question better handled in a conversation rather than in an article. With that said, undoubtedly, the best option is to work with an independent mortgage professional. It’s our job to understand the intricacies of mortgage financing, listen to and assess your needs, and recommend the best mortgage to meet your needs. As we work with many lenders, we can provide you with options. Don’t get stuck dealing with a single institution that may only offer you a collateral charge mortgage when what you need is a standard charge mortgage. So if you’d like to have a conversation about mortgage financing, please get in touch. It would be a pleasure to work with you and answer any questions you might have.
By Jenn Schill 02 Oct, 2024
Buying a property might actually be easier than you think. So, if you have NO desire AT ALL to qualify for a mortgage, here are some great steps you can take to ensure you don’t accidentally buy a property. Fair warning, this article might get a little cheeky. Quit your job. First things first, ditch that job. One of the best ways to make sure you won’t qualify for a mortgage is to be unemployed. Yep, most mortgage lenders aren’t in the practice of lending money to unemployed people! If you already have a preapproval in place and don’t want to go through with financing, no problems. Unexpectedly quit your job mid-application. Because, even if you’re making a lateral move or taking a better job, any change in employment status can negatively impact your approval. Spend All Your Savings. To get a mortgage, you’ll have to bring some money to the table. In Canada, the minimum downpayment required is 5% of the purchase price. Now, if the goal is not to get a mortgage, spending all your money and having absolutely nothing in your account is a surefire way to ensure you won’t qualify for a mortgage. So, if you’ve been looking for a reason to go out and buy a new vehicle, consider this your permission. Collect as Much Debt as Possible. After quitting your job and spending all your savings, you should definitely go out and incur as much debt as possible! The higher the payments, the better. You see, one of the main qualifiers on a mortgage is called your debt-service ratio. This takes into count the amount of money you make compared to the amount of money you owe. So the more debt you have, the less money you’ll have leftover to finance a home. Stop Making Your Debt Payments So let’s say you can’t shake your job, you still have a good amount of money in the bank, and you’ve run out of ways to spend money you don’t have. Don’t panic; you can still absolutely wreck your chances of qualifying for a mortgage! Just don’t pay any of your bills on time or stop making your payments altogether. Why would any lender want to lend you money when you have a track record of not paying back any of the money you’ve already borrowed? Provide Ugly Supporting Documentation. Now, if all else fails, the last chance you have to scuttle your chances of getting a mortgage is to provide the lender with really ugly documents. To support your mortgage application, lenders must complete their due diligence. Here are three ways to make sure the lender won’t be able to verify anything. Firstly, and probably the most straightforward, make sure your name doesn’t appear anywhere on any of your statements. This way, the lender can’t be sure the documents are actually yours or not. Secondly, when providing bank statements to prove downpayment funds, make sure there are multiple cash deposits over $1000 without explaining where the money came from. This will look like money laundering and will throw up all kinds of red flags. And lastly, consider blacking out all your “personal information.” Just use a black Sharpie and make your paperwork look like classified FBI documents. Follow-Through So there you have it, to avoid an accidental home purchase, you should quit your job, spend all your money, borrow as much money as possible, stop making your payments, and make sure the lender can’t prove anything! This will ensure no one will lend you money to buy a property! Now, on the off chance that you’d actually like to qualify for a mortgage, you’ve come to the right place. The suggestion would be to actually keep your job, save for a downpayment, limit the amount of debt you carry, make your payments on time, and provide clear documentation to support your mortgage application! If you'd like to make sure you're on the right track, connect anytime. It would be a pleasure to walk through the mortgage process with you.
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We found the house of our dreams and didn’t know how we were going to be able to purchase it. I own my own business and my wife works seasonally, and we had been into a few banks and were told outright that we would not qualify to purchase for the amount of our dream home.

Our Realtor gave us Jenn’s card and with no expectations, we thought we’d give it one more try. Not only did Jenn get us into our dream home, she was able to secure us a better rate than what the banks were offering. She’s great.

Kelly & Dan

I was given Jenn’s card from my best friend that had met her at a woman’s luncheon. I called Jenn and explained my situation. I was in a high interest rate mortgage and my penalty was enormous. She sat me down, explained everything in a way that I actually understood – she was able to get my penalty reduced by more than 40% and get me into a rate that cut my monthly mortgage payments in half!!! I was on my way to financial ruin and Jenn saved my bacon!


I was very overwhelmed with my debt load, trying to manage my mortgage, car payments, and student loans. A dear friend of mine could not say enough great things about Jennifer and how she guided them through the process and literally dialed her number for me. All I can say is thank god she did. She took the time to explain everything and outline my options. She just made the process so easy and stress free. If you're looking for the ultimate professional – Jennifer is it!


Jenn was so helpful when we were getting our first mortgage. She explained everything in great detail and made it easy for me to understand. She is trusting, hardworking and a great person to have help you through the process. Thanks Jenn !!!!


Jenn has been a lifesaver through the process of buying a new home and remortgaging! I have had so many questions and Jenn is always very quick to respond and so helpful making things simple to understand. I would highly recommend!!!


We have been reaching out to Jenn Schill about all our mortgage needs in the last 15 years. She is amazing - very professional and knowledgable about her field.

She is always quick to respond, with lots of information, knowledge and best options for your unique situation.
She always has a smile on her face and a lot of passion for her work. When working with her, we always feel that we’re in good hands.
She also helped our son, who leaves in Calgary, when he needed information about his mortgage needs.
We feel so lucky to have her as our mortgage specialist and highly recommend her to anyone who needs a real, knowledge professional.
Thank you, Jenn.


I would highly recommend Jenn to take care of your Mortgage needs! Jenn has played a pivotal role in helping me over the years to understand the financial aspects relevant to mortgages and refinancing, especially for women in business. Jenn is always readily available and has a keen sense of professionalism when creating a 'personal plan' most suitable to ones needs! Thanks Jenn


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